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Ukázka v podání Peggy Lee.

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There’s a kind o’ walk you walk when the world’s undone you
There’s a kind o’ walk you walk when you’re walkin’ proud
There’s a kind o’ walk you walk when the neighbours shun you
There’s a kind o’ walk you walk sets you ’bove the crowd

There’s a kind o’ walk you walk when somebody loves you
That’s very much like walkin’ on a cloud
Good fortune found you, chappie
And your lives are happy, Valentine
When you’re walkin’ happy
Don’t the bloomin’ world seem fine!

There’s a kind o’ walk you walk when you feel like crowin’
There’s a kind o’ walk you walk when you’re on your way
There’s a kind o’ walk you walk when your pride is showing
There’s a kind o’ walk you walk, today’s your day

There’s a kind o’ walk you walk when the world’s a rainbow
And you heart is poppin’like a poppin’jay!
So you had best believe it, chappie
You’re findin’ life is finger snappy
The day you learn that walkin’ happy
Gives the world a shine
So just keep walkin’ happy with your hand in mine
With your hand in mine
Keep your hand in mine


Přidáno: 7. 3. 2014 - 10:51 | Aktualizováno: 29. 7. 2015 - 20:10 | Kategorie: Anglické | ID: 46039

Přispěvatelé: David

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